
Monday, August 6, 2018

National Breastfeeding Week

"Why are we normalizing something that is already normal?"

I saw those words while scrolling through posts on Instagram for National Breastfeeding Week. Which is August 1st through 7th. So I wanted to write a bit more about my experience. 

How true are those words though.  It is a natural, normal thing the female body does. Why is it so frowned upon in society. I don't feed Neiko under a blanket while out or a scarf, I just use my shirt to cover us up to be modest, but I want it to be normal. So when he's hungry, he eats. 

Breastfeeding is what a woman's breast is meant to do. Think about how fascinating it is. The female body knows how to make food, perfectly for their baby. The milk will change depending on what the baby needs. It just knows how to do all of that. Amazing. 

This post is just to give a little more insight in what happens and then a few items I found helpful in my journey. 

I am not a specialist in any way!!!!! I am just speaking from what I experienced. Please go to a breastfeeding class!! It really helped me learn a lot about this new thing I was about to try and do. Also, while in the hospital ASK to see the lactation consultant. It is free, that is what they are there for. Even if you don't have trouble latching at first, still have them come. The lady who came to see me gave me awesome advise that helped me out.

So you just had your baby. Congratulations! One thing my dula friend told me to give a go was to let my baby find my nipple and feed for the first time. It's called the "breast crawl" and it is amazing to watch the little one just know and navigate and then find the nipple and start sucking. If you can, do it (and try to get it on video because you will want that, I unfortunately didn't.) You will learn in a class all the different feeding positions, so give them a try and see what works best for you and your baby. Each situation is so unique, you really just have to try them and see what is comfortable for both of you. Neiko had difficulty latching to my right side, so I would do the football hold on that side and it would help. Taking him to the chiropractor, we learned that he had a tight neck and that was making it hard for him to turn his head to latch properly. 

Those first feedings hurt. But only at first.  There is pain in your nipple as it toughens up to do this new job. There is pain as your uterus as it starts to contract and go back to its normal size. And there could be pain in a struggle. But you are not alone if you go through a struggle with breastfeeding. The pain in the nipple goes away within a week or so. Your nipples will crack, scab, and could bleed. Use a cream or ointment that your pediatrician or midwife recommends. I never did. I would just let my nipple air dry a bit before putting my bra back on. And the uterus pain goes away. I actually really liked it because it was just another one of those fascinating things the female body does. I'm a little strange though.

So pain- yes- but goes away. Next I want to talk about when the milk comes in. Your breast will get HUGE. I mean HUGE. And hurt - yes again some pain. You can take a warm shower and try to hand express some milk- let me know if that works for you- it didn't for me but I gave it a try. I just had to nurse Neiko and empty out a bit for me to feel comfortable again. But that pain too passes as your body gets use to the routine. It is not recommended to pump just yet because you want your body to find that routine of how much milk to produce, but you know your body best- do what you need to.

Feeding, latching, and the routine starts to get easier as time goes on. Just try and stick with it. But if it is not for you, don't do it. It can be messy. Like literally messy. I joked during those first few months that my new purfume was "ode de booby milk." While Neiko ate on one breast my other with start to leak, so I wore those pads in my bra to help. But eventually it stops. Only on a rare occasion does it happen now. While eating sometimes Neiko gets distracted and pulls away. Then I just drip and milk gets in his hair, his clothes, my clothes and then he latches and continues. Part of mommyhood now I guess. I stopped caring about those messes though. You just get accustomed to it, even the spit up. 

Speaking of clothes, here are some items I like: Nursing bras that unlatch and flop down are good. I have sports bras like that and "real" bras like that (bought mainly from Target). For home I love nursing tanks. I bought some that do the unlatch down thing but my favorite are ones you just kind of pull to the side. I love these actually! Now I just wear those with a deep neck bralette at home (and I wish for when I go out too but its too much booby for me to be showing off).  I found the boopy to be helpful the first month. Once Neiko got too big for it I switched to using pillows to support my arms. OrI tend to curl up and feed him on the couch. I've seen those nursing pillows that you put your arm though, never tried it, but I'd imagine it would be great but also might put the babies head at a strange angle to try and feed. Let me know if you tried it and how it worked! The boopy now get used to support Neiko while he sits because he doesn't have it down just yet, he still leans and falls over. 

My journey now- I am still breastfeeding. Neiko has started his solids but still loves the boob. I found my supply lowering so I tried fenugreek and it worked for me. I also started a routine of pumping each morning to help rebuild my storage supply of milk for just in case situations and when I work. Neiko so far has had carrots (loved), butternut squash (ok), peas (nope), green beans (liked), sweet potato (loved), apples (liked but bound him too much), and prunes (loves). He will be trying pears and pumpkin this week. 

And just to follow up with my previous post- it gets frustrating. Having to pump at work, making sure there is enough milk to give to who is watching Neiko, planning life around his eating schedule, it gets tiring. But I know I will miss it all once he moves on to eating just solids. And I love a good booby nap. He would fall asleep with my nipple still in his mouth, so cute. Noticed I said would. It doesn't happen very often anymore. I am blessed that my body is still able to breastfeed. 

So moms keep up what you are doing! Find what works for you! And let's gather together to support all those moms who breastfeed in public. No more shame. Instead let's love the beautiful act. 

Until next time.

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